Chaos Faction

A society of dinosaur-riding nomad “outcasts” – most of its members affected by the radiation of The Launch – which form survival groups, hunting for food and scavenging for Pre-Launch materials.

Scavenging Troupes

Being the survivors closest to the nearest points of nuclear impacts, these mutated humans began forming groups to search for means of survival. These groups, called “Scavenging Troupes” by some and “Crazy Fucking Maniacs” by others*,* travel throughout Lumnia. They scavenge for food to survive on and rummage for Pre-Launch materials to tinker with. They mostly occupy an arid, desertic area, which was victim to a lone nuke, but recently they began exploring the surrounding jungle area due to a lack of resources.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Dinosaurs had been artificially recreated many years ago by humanity, and kept at controlled zoos. After The Launch, these animals became free. Due to their DNA being recreated artificially, and the proximity of these zoos to the affected areas, most of these dinosaurs grew some sort of mutation. The Scavenging Troupes found these creatures fascinating and bonded with them, sometimes through pure primal connection and other times through less diplomatic means.

A Culture of Exploration

Aside from simple survival, the central motivation of being in a Scavenging Troupe is the desire to explore. Aside from their tech tinkering, which mostly focuses on creating flashy and fun inventions, but they also play with and explore their own mutations and injuries. You might see them replacing a dinosaur’s missing arm with a metal one, or creating a custom helmet for a deformed head. Part of this core motivation also encouraged the development of their rich culture, which led to creativity in all aspects of life, including artistic ones. They sing and play their own custom-made instruments, sometimes even crafting home-made speakers and having dance parties.

Current Figures and Problems

Since the Scavenging Troupes began exploring more of the area surrounding their desert, they are now encountering the other civilizations more often and more intimately. The reactions to these encounters vary from group to group, from curiosity to aggression.

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