Order Faction

A society of survivors which decided to quickly reiterate a standard hyper-industrialized Pre-Launch society, but imposing an even stronger grip on its workforce and citizens, believing that the existence of other societies and philosophies is a direct threat to their own.


Under the name Dekrenia, this civilization intends to expand and control the remaining terrain of Lumnia. Their long-term plan is to consolidate their power throughout the planet and then use their workforce to explore ways to mobilize humanity to another planet, allowing then for greater expansion.

Mistakes of the Past

For Dekrenia, the pre-launch world was too divided, unorganized, there was not a central global force which ruled with an unmovable iron grip. This, to them, is a mistake that should not be repeated, and it is that very mistake which provoked The Launch. This philosophy is visible everywhere in their society, including in posters, in their education, in their politics, etc.


Food, due to being a scarce resource, is hyper-industrialized, with most coming in packages distributed daily to workers in the form of rations. Natality, in turn, is also strictly regulated. Raw materials come mostly from mines and pre-launch resources which are smelted and reused.

Current Figures and Problems

The current Regulator – a political figure similar to the president – intends to expand the limits of the city of Dekrenia. They’ve come very close to borders with the other factions. Their investigation of Meleborus has revealed concerning conclusions, finding that its extinction can only be accomplished by completely destroying the nexus, which is not a simple task.

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